Communication is the Key!

Written by: Michael S. True, M.Ed

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This article was originally written in Mid-December, 2001. Jimmy Carter was our president and American students were being held hostage by Iranian officials. As we remember these times, I feel compelled to remind people to consider their actions and reactions tomorrow and into the future...

On this particular winter's morning, on one of the major TV networks, former President Jimmy Carter held a brief interview. To paraphrase, he said, "The two most significant words symbolizing this season are LOVE and PEACE."

As any are able to know and understand, these two words are small but powerful in meaning. The feelings of the heart and treatment of our fellow man and woman are complex, ever evolving. How we hold to these words and carry them into the future reveals our true nature as human beings. But, because of the intangible nature of these same words, achieving them entails an examination of the means toward that end.

Bigotry and discrimination are perhaps the greatest obstacles to our living in harmony with each other. Greed, jealousy, ignorance, and selfishness, are perhaps the most common reasons for these negative attitudes. Holding anyone in judgement presumes that some are better than others. The truth is, in our humanness, we are all the same.

So, how do we go about combating the growth of these all too common "weeds"? The simple key is communication. Yes, not money, not bombs, not even the noblest of intentions can deliver us from this state of inequality. In order to diminish this, the greatest of all disabling conditions, we must exchange information, we must talk directly and respectfully to each other.

It may seem that I am preaching here, but this is communicating. Communicating plainly with each other is, in my estimation the most useful and powerful tool we, as humans, posses. Sharing information, negotiating, planning, educating, these are the elements that, when combined, give this tool its strength. Just remember, it takes at least two individuals to make it happen.

Those who would dare to control or deny real access to the world-wide body of knowledge must be circumvented. Barriers to the free dissemination of ideas must be broken down. I propose that an open-ended exchange of information be the focus of a "New Crusade", taking everyone in our global community into the twenty-first century.

This is not a call for propagandizing superiority. The sharing of any information must be inclusive. That is to say, every man, woman, and child must be able to learn about her or his own culture and social customs, but also to have resources outside of that culture, in order to enhance the process of decision making. Finding truth should come from the experience of living life and never be dictated by even the most benevolent authority.

We, living in the United States, have developed laws to protect our rights to obtaining and disseminating information. We must be ever vigilant that these rights are not tampered with by those in positions of power. Teaching by example is perhaps the most effective way to educate. It is in our best interest, as a nation and as a people, to show the world how sharing information benefits us. The unity of our citizens, because of their understanding of each other, is already a beacon that shines brightly across this planet.

Compassion comes from understanding. Bringing into focus our individual differences, our strengths and weaknesses, allows us to use this common knowledge as building blocks. If we become secretive or afraid, we risk isolation. In this regard, we cannot afford hiding our true feelings or beliefs, even at the risk of criticism or retaliation. The nature of this sharing must, however, be coupled with an understanding that open discussions, whether between individuals, family members, or nations, must include a dialog of compromise. We do ourselves and the world around us no good by insisting that we are right and everyone else is wrong. We must work toward greater cooperation and improved relations as the outcome of our efforts.

For those who would fear the inevitable change that communicating in this way on a personal or global basis might bring, think about the changes that have already taken place in the history of mankind. One of my favorite sayings is: "Change is the only constant!" There is no way we can slow it down or halt its progress.

Having access to the most up-to-date information guarantees a smoother, more productive transition from today into tomorrow. A free and open exchange of ideas and information works for us, not against us. In the final analysis, it allows us to move towards the solving of problems, and ultimately, the reduction of hatred and fear.

Communication is the key!

Footnote 2024:

Looking back over the past twenty-plus years it is easy to see how we have plunged ourselves into a time of darkness, worldwide. The specter of isolationism has cast a shadow on our lives that threatens to tear countries and people apart, plunging us into a mindset of mistrust, anger and disillusionment. The actions of those we trust most to lead us out of this darkness are being questioned and challenged by a war of misinformation and outright lies.

For the weak and vulnerable this chaos is tearing at the very fabric of society and threatening the progress that was made in the latter years of this past century. Our anxiety is all too real and further feeds the flames of disruption and destruction. Now, more than ever before, is the time for all to strive for transparency, clarity and the quest for some common ground.

For all of your tomorrows, may the spirit of love and peace go with you.

(C) 2003-2024 Michael S. True - TruEnergy Enterprises